The First Day of the Rest of My Life

Wednesday, January 22, 2003

An online acquaintance surprised me today. I've been talking with her for a few months, and she just told me today that she has a boyfriend. She's been with him for three years. I'd post the chat in which this was revealed, but I forgot to enable archiving on the version of Yahoo Messenger I used. Now, I'll admit it, she's hella cute. And pretty cool, from what I've gathered during our chats. But now I feel all guilty for even trying to be flirtatious with her. Yeah, yeah, we'd never met IRL, but I always wondered what would happen if we did. I had given her many promises to go see plays of hers and stuff, but it never happened. I doubt she would have left this guy for me or anything. Alas, another one gets away...

So it seems Teri is really bummed/confused/etc. about something. I tried to help in an AIM chat the other day, but to no avail. It's funny, I seem to categorize the health of my friendships/relationships with others by how much I can do or have done for them. Friendly advice. Paying for lunch. Giving a ride. (In both senses of the term...*rimshot sfx*)

But with her.... I don't know. I mean, she's given me words of wisdom about certain things. But when I try to reciprocate, I come up short. (Granted, she wasn't exactly very chatty that day, and I didn't want to piss her off by prying.) I guess I'm too caught up in the whole "opposites becoming friends" thing. A hardcore Catholic-virgin-intellectual hanging out with... well, me. But I'll be damned if I don't go down without a fight.

Anyway, the caffiene is wearing thin, so I must go. Hopefully more tomorrow/later today. But you know how I can be with such promises...


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