The First Day of the Rest of My Life

Wednesday, February 12, 2003

Post #60.

Been writing in this thing for eight months now. Not that I ever thought this would be a tool of self-discovery or self-improvement, but in looking over my archives, I see that I really don't learn much from my past mistakes.

I went to Austin on Monday to help celebrate Suzanne's birthday. I got into town during the afternoon, so I decided to drop in on a friend of mine. We talked, we watched some TV, she watched me eat a Sonic burger... and we kissed. All while I told her about my grand plan to avoid doing anything with Suzanne so as to not lead her on.

I left my friend's apartment, hung out at one of my old hanuts for a while, then went to Suzanne's place. We went to dinner at one of 6th Street's snazzier eateries, walked around for a bit, then went back to her place to watch UT beat OU. We talked a little bit about the status of our friendship, among other things, then retired to her room.

And then my grand plan to avoid doing anything with Suzanne fell apart. I won't get too graphic, but let's just say a Wahl Massager was involved.

I keep doing stuff like this, I keep expressing remorse for it, and then I keep doing it again. Why? I don't know. Hopefully the answers will come to me soon...


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