The First Day of the Rest of My Life

Monday, May 29, 2006

morena262: i'm bored
brown_boy: I'm sad.
brown_boy: I'm confused.
brown_boy: I'm upset.
morena262: why
brown_boy: I just got off the phone with Suzanne.
morena262: and??
morena262: is she engaged?
brown_boy: Not yet.
morena262: okay
brown_boy: But she is moving in with him, but only because she's having a mildew problem at her place.
morena262: what??
morena262: did u call her?>
brown_boy: Earlier today, yes. She couldn't talk then, so she called me back a few minutes ago.
brown_boy: I was a bit nervous during the conversation, but I was okay, up until the end.
brown_boy: I asked her, "Do you love him?"
brown_boy: She said, "Yes. And, even better, he says it back."
brown_boy: And I lost it.
morena262: ok
morena262: why the fuck do u care?
morena262: i thought u were over her
morena262: i'm not being mean
morena262: being real
morena262: so, don't be offended
brown_boy: I thought I was (over her), too.
morena262: ok
morena262: so, what
morena262: let her go
morena262: please
morena262: once you do
morena262: you will be a much better person
brown_boy: But how do I do that?

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

- Moving out.
- Moving up.
- Moving on.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

I was supposed to close on the condo this morning at 9:00. Yesterday, I got a call from my realtor stating that it wasn't going to happen then. This morning, after talking to the closing agent at the title company, I wasn't sure if it was going to happen anytime soon.

A few hours, some nervous phone calls, 26 miles, and over $14,000 later, it did end up happening.

I'm officially a homeowner.

Sunday, May 14, 2006

brown_boy : So my friend had dinner with Chewbacca.
morena262 : what???
morena262 : you should blog about this
brown_boy : She already did.
morena262 : oh
morena262 : sounds funny tho

Thursday, May 11, 2006

My schedule for the next few days:

6 p.m. Friday, May 12 - 6:30 a.m. Saturday, May 13: Participate in the Relay for Life. (Donations still accepted, by the way...)

9:00 a.m. Tuesday, May 16: Close on the condo.

5:30 p.m. Thursday, May 18: Begin a four-day weekend.

Saturday night, May 20: Celebrate my birthday. (Interested in attending? Drop me a line, I'll let you know where I'll be...)

Sunday, May 21: Turn 28.

Guess I may be having the Best Week Ever....

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Post #400.

Almost 4 years ago, my friend Amy told about something she had known as a "weblog." I started reading, and, after some time, decided to try it myself.

To be honest, this is the first sort of journal that I've consistently kept for any significant length of time. I can show you quite a few paper journals that never made it past a week or two. I started blogging partly to get my frustrations out, partly to join the fad, and partly to keep up writing. For whatever reason, even though I didn't do it a whole lot in school, I did/do enjoy writing (especially when I'm the main subject). I'm not sure if this exercise has made me a better writer, I'll leave that up to the audience to decide.

As for any sort of self-discovery that's happened along the way? I'm not sure. The 4th post dealt with Suzanne, the first of many. (I do promise that I will try to limit mentions of her in the future.) I doubt that I've learned any sort of Important Life Lessons during this process, I've probably just found better words to use to describe my feelings.

At the beginning of all this, I had fantasies of becoming the Next Big Internet Thing. Now, I'd consider myself lucky if I grew my readership to more than 20 people. But I do thank all those that have come by to look into my life. I can only promise more of the same in the future. (And, one of these days, I'll finally get around to explaining the whole Mike Remlinger thing...)

Monday, May 01, 2006


Yesterday, at Mass, I heard something a phrase that I used to hear a lot back when I was at UT. It confused me then, and still does now.

"Let go, and let God."

Anybody out there have any idea how one actually goes about doing this?