Kristi: Getting ready to go to Jordan for research.
Profgrrrrl: Currently on her "Lost in Translation" tour.
Sandra: Soon to depart to New Zealand to work on a screenplay.
James (ex-roomie): Traveling to NYC, New Mexico and Colorado during this upcoming month.
G: Currently on a long-haul roadtrip, including stops in Colorado and Idaho.
G's sister: Chaperoning a tour of Europe (Italy and France, to be exact).
Me: Traveled to the fabulous town of Hillsborough, North Carolina. What I did on the trip? Visit such exotic locales as Ross, DSW, and Target. Yes, I did get to spend time with family that I hadn't seen in a while. But I also got to spend four nights with my parents at a Holiday Inn Express. (And no, I didn't feel no more smarter afterwards...)
Trust me, I'll be checking out all the travel sites for the next few weeks.